Brand Workshops

Start-up and Scale-up Narrative & Positioning Workshops

One-day, in-person workshops for founders and operating teams to define, refine and improve their positioning, messaging and narrative, from New Zealand’s leading Start-up and Scale-up brand & positioning studio.

Define your story

Pitch Workshop

One day workshop perfect for pre-revenue or early stage start-ups looking to raise a seed or pre-seed round.
refine your story

Brand Positioning Workshop

One day team workshops for post-revenue companies looking to refine their ideal customer, and improve their positioning and messaging to create differentiating, interesting and compelling communications.

“We loved working with Simon and the PU team, we came away laser clear on our positioning and offering to customers. The feedback on our new brand has been incredible, with many asking who we worked with, our new brand puts us right at the front of our competitors and positions us for the next phase of growth.”

Abi Bennett — COO, Starshipit
Testimonial logo
Pitch Workshop
Who it's for
Pre-revenue or early stage start-ups looking to raise a seed or pre-seed round. Companies who would benefit from assistance defining their customer, problem, market opportunity, pitch narrative and in creating a clear story for a pitch. It is perfect for people who already have a pitch that they are wanting to improve, through to people looking for assistance defining how they talk about or express the opportunity they are seeking to capture.
What is involved
Day workshop where the key team run through a series of exercises, viewing some best practice examples, crafting their own first pass, and workshopping their work with the session facilitator.
What companies get
  • A populated sample pitch deck. This includes sections on the market situation, problem to solve, customer to serve, solution you provide, and the purpose and mission of the company. 
  • Elevator pitch / Brand story paragraph
What you can do to prepare
There will be a small amount of guided pre-work to have a first pass at a number of the sections.
When it is
We hold the seed pitch session on the second Wednesday of alternating months through the year. Book your date below.
$2000 for two seats, $500 per additional person.
Brand Positioning Workshop
Who it’s for
Post-revenue or validated and ready-to-launch Start-up companies looking to tell their story and attract the right customers, partners, team members and investors more effectively through their website, storytelling and brand activity.

Ideal to be attended by the Founder/CEO and team members responsible for marketing, revenue, product and any other key leaders.
What is involved
Day long workshop where we work with the key team to define their customer, unique value proposition, positioning in the market, problem they solve and their mission and purpose. We run through examples of best practice, and go through a series of exercises and prompts to define and refine messaging. We focus on who the company serves, and what makes their offering and approach unique, differentiated, compelling and interesting.
What companies get
  • A messaging framework document that outlines their customer, problem, product, unique value proposition, positioning, and their mission and purpose.
  • A brand story for use on about pages, pitches, and communications.
  • A to-do list of what to do as a team to make their narrative and positioning clear on their website, in market-facing communication, on their social channels, and in brand activity.
At the end of the day these will all be working drafts, so there is also a checklist for how to test and refine these messages in conversations with customers and partners, or through research.
What you can do to prepare
There will be a small amount of guided pre-works to have a first pass at a number of the sections.
When it is
We hold these on the second Wednesday of alternating months through the year. Book your date below.
$3000 for two seats, $500 per additional person (team size of up to 4)
Workshop Facilitator
Simon Pound

Both workshops are hosted by Simon Pound, Partner, Start-up brand at Previously Unavailable. Simon has led brand strategy UVP and narrative projects for many technology and SaaS companies including Timely, LawVu, Seachange, Starshipit, Konos (Dotterel), Compostic and CarbonCrop.Prior to joining Previously, Simon led global Brand and Communications for Vend for 4.5 years as they scaled around the world and partnered with other leading retail brands like Apple, Shopify and Square. Simon has led many narrative projects for NZTE Springboard projects, and led the brand positioning for the See Tomorrow First NZ Tech Story. Simon also hosts the entrepreneur focused Business is Boring podcast for The Spinoff and SparkLab.

Choose your dates
Scale Up Workshop
Wednesday 12th April
Book your place
Pitch Workshop
Wednesday 12th May
Book your place
Scale Up Workshop
Wednesday 14th June
Book your place
Pitch Workshop
Wednesday 14th July
Book your place
Other ways we assist brands:

Venture Studio

Our Venture Studio creates brands, visual identities and websites that help start-ups grow faster, raise successfully and achieve greater value.

We work as brand partners for ambitious start-ups. In select cases where it works well for everyone we invest our time in return for equity - creating shared goals and incentives for strong brands and relationships.

Venture Studio

Brand Fund 1

A new opportunity for wholesale investors seeking exposure to start-up brands built by Previously Unavailable.

Exceptional brand strategy and execution has the power to turn good companies into great companies and great companies into unicorns. We are in a unique position to identify where brand can make that difference.

Brand Fund 1

Future Demand

Written by James Hurman, Future Demand explores the realities of how start-ups grow beyond their eager early users, providing evidence and insight into how to build your brand among the much larger group of customers who’ll buy from you in the future.

Buy the Book
Get in touch if you have any questions, we’d love to chat with you.